Our technology

∂iaφanes is offering a full workflow, from choice of labels, sample preparation, clearing and labelling, sample embedding and mounting to various imaging solutions. We have in-house expertise for super-resolution, deconvolution, confocal, two-photon and light-sheet microscopies covering several orders of magnitude of sample size and various resolutions. Our growing family of protocols is based on BRG4 a novel clearing procedure with unique properties:


What if your biological samples were transparent within tens of minutes rather than days?


What if this tissue clearing agent worked universally, with ALL your samples?


If it was non-toxic, non-damaging to dipping objectives and harm-free to use?

This would be a game changer for biologists, but also for naturalists, teachers, and amateurs.

Here it is: Discover BRG4 by ∂iaφanes®

BRG4 clears it all. Fast. Ultrafast.


Optical clearing permits 3-D studies of tissue organization and cellular circuitry at an unprecedented detail following the removal of scatterers and absorbers.

Researchers nowadays face choices among clearing agents that ideally would require investigating the strengths and limitations of different techniques for the very biological question under study.

Also, even the fastest clearing protocols are still prohibitively slow for medical applications.

BRG4 indiscriminately clears soft mammalian tissue, insects, plants, but also hard tissue like bones or teeth.

BRG4 is an ultra-fast universal clearing agent for imaging biological fluorescence in research, biomedical and histological applications.

It is non-toxic, sample volume- and fluorophore preserving.

BRG4 open science. Join the community.

At Diaphanes we actively support and foster open science, crowdsourcing and sharing of best practice. This is why we systematically publish protocols, lab hacks and we share preprints, publications and tips & tricks. Stay tuned. This section is regularly being updated.

BRG4 academics. You are a student, post-doc or researcher and want to try BRG4? We supply test kits and have a growing list of working protocols for samples across the plant and animal kingdom. The only thing we ask is to share the obtained result. Contact us!

BRG4 naturalists. (Re-) Connect with Nature. Explore and share your observations from the natural world, reveal structure, explore autofluorescence. Get amazing insight into the little wonders you find in your backyard, garden, or nearby forest. Become a citizen scientist. Contact us!

BRG4 teachers and kids. BRG4 is safe and harm-free. It can turn boring taxonomy, neuroanatomy or morphology lessons into ludic experiences. ∂iaφanes® teams up with schools and educators to support poor and ill-favoured neighbourhoods. Contact us.

BRG4 creatives. Be in wonder and awe by nature’s genius and discover how applicable biological solutions are to the man-made world. There is amazing beauty in the small. Micrometric structures inspire biomimetic architecture, make designers think out of the box, help tackle complexity and unfold opportunities for sustainable systems. Learn from nature. Be inspired. Contact us.


We are a Paris-based start-up that emerged from the SPPIN – the Saint-Pères Paris Institute for the Neurosciences – a CNRS flagship institute conducting research in Biophysics, Biophotonics, molecular, cellular and network neurosciences. Our company combines expertise in applied optics, biophysics, chemistry, neurobiology and histology.

Starting from an innovative product, we provide protocols that work, and – if required – a service, up to the complete workflow, from sample preparation, depigmentation and autofluorescence removal (where needed) to clarification, sample embedding, choice of the adapted imaging technique, image acquisition, feature recognition and big data handling.
